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How to start another Activity with android-annotation?

I'm just trying to use android-annotation. When I start another Activity, an empty activity showed up.
I check this to find that the @EActivity generate the subclass of XXActivity named XXActivity_. So I try to code
mIntent = new Intent(this, XXActivity_.class);
But eclipse shows error that XXActivity_ cannot be resolved to a type. I don't know when the XX_ is generated.
I have add the jar, declare the XX_ in the AndroidManifest.xml. How to make eclipse generate the XX_ class?

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • you could start activity using annotations like this first you should write your activities on the manifest file with '_' after that you have two activities you want to go from one to another you could use this :


    with this you will go the CarDetailActivity on the other hand if you want to pass message to the other activity you will use this

    CarDetailActivity_.intent(CarSaleListActivity.this).myMessage("arrived with android annotations").start();

    and in this case you should define this on the CarDetailActivity

    String myMessage;

    and you could use this message on CarDetailActivity like this on

    public void showMessage(){

    } Note : CarDetailActivity should be @EActivity to make this work
