I have a vanilla python that connects to a sqlite database.
Everything works fine until I try to run it as a daemon. Here is the code I'm using to do that:
def start(self):
if self.lockfile.is_locked():
exit_with_code(7, self.pid_file)
# If we're running in debug, run in the foreground, else daemonise
if self.options['debug']:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
context = daemon.DaemonContext(
files_preserve = [self.logger.socket(), self.lockfile]
context.signal_map = {
signal.SIGTERM: self.close_gracefully
with context: self.main()
I can run it in the foreground with python -m starter -debug
and everything is fine, my app writes into the database, but when I leave the debug flag off I see the following when I try to write:
no such table: Frontends
I know that the frontends table exists because I've opened the database up. I assume that python is finding the database, because there would be an entirely different error message otherwise.
All my files are owned by vagrant, and ls -l
shows the following:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant 9216 Nov 9 18:09 development.sqlite
Anyone got any tips?
As requested, here is the code for my db
import os
import sqlite3
class Database(object):
def __init__(self, db_file='/vagrant/my_daemon/db/development.sqlite'):
self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
if os.path.exists(db_file):
print "db exists"
And when I run this it prints "db exists". I instantiate the database in starter.py with a call to Database()
Python daemon closes all open file descriptors (except stdin, stout and stderr) when you daemonise.
I spent ages trying to figure out which files to keep open to prevent my database from being inaccessible, and in the end I found that it's easier to initialise the database inside the daemon context rather than outside. That way I don't need to worry about which files should stay open.
Now everything is working fine.