I am using R 3.1.1 on Ubuntu 14 64 bit version. I installed SAGA GIS 2.1.2 and RSAGA 0.93-6.
So far all seems to work fine.
rsaga.env() works, I use:
work_env <- rsaga.env(modules='/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/saga/')
because on the 64 bit the modules are located somewhere else. Getting the libraries works as well:
> rsaga.get.libraries(path=work_env$modules)
[1] "climate_tools" "contrib_perego" "db_odbc" "db_pgsql"
[5] "docs_html" "docs_pdf" "garden_3d_viewer" "garden_fractals"
[9] "garden_games" "garden_learn_to_program" "garden_webservices" "grid_analysis"
[13] "grid_calculus_bsl" "grid_calculus" "grid_filter" "grid_gridding"
[17] "grid_spline" "grid_tools" "grid_visualisation" "imagery_classification"
[21] "imagery_rga" "imagery_segmentation" "imagery_svm" "imagery_tools"
[25] "io_esri_e00" "io_gdal" "io_gps" "io_grid_grib2"
[29] "io_grid_image" "io_grid" "io_shapes_dxf" "io_shapes"
[33] "io_table" "io_virtual" "pj_georeference" "pj_proj4"
[37] "pointcloud_tools" "pointcloud_viewer" "shapes_grid" "shapes_lines"
[41] "shapes_points" "shapes_polygons" "shapes_tools" "shapes_transect"
[45] "sim_cellular_automata" "sim_ecosystems_hugget" "sim_erosion" "sim_hydrology"
[49] "sim_ihacres" "statistics_grid" "statistics_kriging" "statistics_points"
[53] "statistics_regression" "table_calculus" "table_tools" "ta_channels"
[57] "ta_compound" "ta_hydrology" "ta_lighting" "ta_morphometry"
[61] "ta_preprocessor" "ta_profiles" "ta_slope_stability" "tin_tools"
[65] "tin_viewer"
But when I try to get the modules or anything else it gives a weird error:
> rsaga.get.modules("ta_preprocessor", env=work_env)
Error: tool
I found out that rsaga officially doesn't support higer versions of SAGA GIS 2.1.0 but when I try 2.1.0 I get the error described in another question: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/109497/rsaga-saga-cmd-2-1-0-error-inconsistency
How should I solve this error?
I kind of fixed it by compiling SAGA GIS 2.1.1 from source (http://sourceforge.net/p/saga-gis/wiki/Compiling%20a%20Linux%20Unicode%20version/). When I execute a tool with RSAGA I do get another error; "Error: module", but the execution seems to do fine.
Also, SAGA GIS sometimes quits with a segmentation fault... but not to often.