I have the following scenario
Folder 1
-Folder a
-Folder b
Folder 2
-Folder a
-File1.txt (File 1 modified)
-Img1.png (No change)
-Folder b
-File3.txt (New file added)
-Img2.png (no change)
Basically I want the output folder to have the following files(modified or added in the original structure, with the structure preserved)
-Folder a
-Folder b
I am trying to use the Beyond Compare Command line to do this, but I cant find any arguments to suit and I dont want to loop over all files(too many files) for changes manually or use SVN. Any other tool/script I could use to achieve this?
if the changes are only in the "Folder 2"-Structure and Folder 1 will always be untuched, i got it to work with:
FOR /F "TOKENS=2,* DELIMS= " %%A IN ('ROBOCOPY "Folder 2" "Folder 1" /MIR /XX /NDL /NJH /NJS /L') DO (
SET tmpFolder=%%~dpB
SET tmpFolder=!tmpFolder:Folder 2=OutputFolder!
XCOPY "%%~B" "!tmpFolder!" /E /F /H /R /C
Robocopy will only list the changes between folder 2 and folder 1, the for loop will copy the files to the "outputfolder", keeping the folder-structure