I am currently trying to compile a program with the following commands in Contiki for the tmote sky platform:
1) "make sky-shell-exec.sky TARGET=sky"
2) "make sky-shell-exec.sky CORE=sky-shell-exec.sky TARGET=sky"
I get that the first command works but that the second errors out with the following:
"contiki-sky.a(symbols.o):(.rodata+0x1f00): relocation truncated to fit: R_MSP430_16_BYTE against symbol '_efartext' defined in ABS section in sky-shell-exec.sky
contiki-sky.a(symbols.o):(.rodata+0x1f1c): relocation truncated to fit: R_MSP430_16_BYTE against symbol '_vectors_end' defined in .vectors section in sky-shell-exec.sky"
My msp430-gcc version is 4.7.0 20120322 (mspgcc dev 20120716).
I tried looking around but didn't find this error anywhere.
I assume that this means my symbol table is out of space and I should condense code. I have tried doing just this and am at a point where I can't reduce the code base anymore. Am I right in thinking this?
Does anyone know what this means and possibly of a way to fix it?
It turns out my error was more specific to my working code base than I had thought. I was using a modified version of contiki 2.6 with msp430-gcc 4.7.0. I had had a VM with instant contiki 2.7 and then branched the modified contiki 2.6 to work on while on the same VM. msp430-gcc 4.7.0 works fine for contiki 2.7 but when I went to work on my branch of contiki 2.6 everything broke. The issue to my best guess was arising out of differences in Makefile.include between the two code bases. I am assuming contiki 2.6 wasn't built for msp430-gcc 4.7.0 in mind. So to work on 2.6 I am currently switching to msp430-gcc 4.5.3 and making a completely separate VM for contiki 2.6, which seems to be working so far... though with some issues in the sky-shell-exec example. So I will probably end up using msp430-gcc 4.6.3 instead.