I have a horrible text file full of blanks (Example below), I need the information in the 6th column (e.i. 9381950, 9332480, and 9997980) but the sporadic blanks are making textread or textscan commands problematic even with detailed formatting. Is there a way to scan each row for the columns [35:41]?
983 8409 hfj 984098 989999999 9381950
688 hfij 786898 775907659
133 9856 356474764 9332480
95 7409 hfgu 949865 553456546
914 343557989
667 8989 456755688 9997980
You can read the file line by line, and since it seems you have fixed format file, you can just extract the columns or characters from each line from predefined place in a line:
out_cell = {};
fid = fopen('data.txt');
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
out_cell{end+1} = tline(20:30); % put which ever part of line you want
tline = fgetl(fid);