I am creating a suite of tests for a rich angular app in protractor. The site requires macromedia and another proprietary plugin to operate appropriately. I have manually set the "always allowed" flag on the relevant plugins. When these plugins fail to initialize, some detection automatically prompts the user to install/update the plugin. Since the browser blocks them when being run on the selenium server, it blocks the standard anticipated flow of the attempted e2e test.
Right now I am focusing on Chrome for my testing.
Is there a setting I haven't been able to sleuth out either a way to permanently allow these in the spawned chrome instance(s) or to be speedy enough with my cursor to allow the blocked plugins.
Can anyone point me at a method of allowing these plugins?
About 30 seconds after posting this question, I found the answer.
In the protractor config file, adding the capabilities chromeOptions :{args:['--always-authorize-plugins']} did the trick.
exports.config = {
capabilities: {
browserName: 'Chrome',
chromeOptions: { args: ['--always-authorize-plugins'] }