I found this in the guide, but have no idea how to implement the same
returns the result of a COUNT query. Other
similar methods include sum($q)
, average($q)
, max($q)
, min($q)
, which
support the so-called aggregational data query. $q
parameter is mandatory
for these methods and can be either the column name or expression.
Say for example I have a table name 'billing' with columns:
name amount
charge1 110.00
charge2 510.00
Total - 620.00
How I implement using
I have also tried like
$command = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing");
but page generates error.
The first part of code you tried appears to be attempting to use Query Builder. In this case, you must create an instance of a query, set the target table, and then compute the sum:
Via Query Builder (http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-db-query-builder.html):
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())->from('billing');
$sum = $query->sum('amount');
echo $sum;
The second part of code you tried appears to be attempting to use Data Access Objects. In this case, you can write raw SQL to query the database, but must use queryOne()
, queryAll()
, queryColumn()
, or queryScalar()
to execute the query. queryScalar()
is appropriate for an aggregate query such as this one.
Via Data Access Objects (http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-db-dao.html):
$command = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("SELECT sum(amount) FROM billing");
$sum = $command->queryScalar();
echo $sum;