I'm trying to solve a new task - Tic Tac Toe Referee. I have to make a judgement of the game result, but not to make an algorythm of the game. The program should return only one winner (O or X) or draw (like a string, by the way).
def checkio(game_result):
for y in game_result:
if y == "XXX":
return "X"
elif y == "OOO":
return "O"
for y in range(3):
if game_result[y][0] == game_result[y][1] == game_result[y][2] != None:
return game_result[y][0]
if game_result[0][y] == game_result[1][y] == game_result[2][y] != None:
return game_result[0][y]
if game_result[0][0] == game_result[1][1] == game_result[2][2] != None:
return game_result[1][1]
if game_result[2][0] == game_result[1][1] == game_result[0][2] != None:
return game_result[1][1]
return "D"
I really don't understand where had i done a mistake and the system answers that in case of:
("." means an empty cell)
My result is "." but the right result is "D".
How to fix it? Thanks for attention.
The line:
if game_result[y][0] == game_result[y][1] == game_result[y][2] != None:
return game_result[y][0]
is causing you trouble - all of the cells in column 0 are the same, you you are returning the value of column[0][0] i.e '.', when you should be returning 'draw'