I've installed osx 10.10 ( Yosemite ) and since then the device (NI-USB 6210) is not working anymore. The problem is obviously driver related. I called National Instruments and they confirmed the issue, and they also told me that the problem will be probably fixed in the next release of the nidaqmx, that will happen not so soon. So their suggestion is to downgrade to Mavericks, which kinda suck. They also told me to check the compatibility table
in order to know when if will be supported, until then I have to struggle with downgrade or find a workaround which would be the best thing. anybody found a solution to this problem lately?
Depending on your device and how you program it, you should be able to get it working on Yosemite using NI-DAQmx Base 14.0 [1].
NI-DAQmx Base 14.0 does not claim Yosemite support, but after inspecting the installer and running a few tests, here is what I have determined:
[1] NI-DAQmx Base 14.0 for Mac