So I wrote up a batch script that will help organise a little lottery I run on a game. It asks for user input of the players name, and then up to 5 lottery numbers from 1-100. The script adds the players name and what numbers they've picked into a text document, and it also adds the numbers into a text document so that It knows which numbers are already "taken" and will warn me if I try to type in a duplicate (a little bit of sorting is also done so that the "taken" numbers are shown "in order" to make it easier to see).
when I used "findstr /c:" to look in the "taken numbers" file, it would assume that 1, 10, 100 etc are the same number if I looked for "1" because...those numbers have what I'm looking for in them. I solved this by typing in the single digit numbers as 01-09, but that still left me with "10" and 100 being (in findstr's eyes) the same.
So I tried to use "findstr /x /c:" to get the exact value and this is where I've hit my problem. Now that /x is in there it just ignores checking if the value is the same at all and I can't understand why, pleaaaase help :P it's driving me nuts.
@echo off
echo --------------------
echo Lottery Program
echo --------------------
echo These are the Taken numbers.
type takennumbersnice.txt
set /p name= Please type the players name
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum1= Please type their first number [01-100]
findstr /x /c:%multinum1% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart
) || (
echo %multinum1%>> takennumbers.txt & goto next)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum2= Now type their second number [0 if they only picked 1 number]
if '%multinum2%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 3
findstr /x /c:%multinum2% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart2
) || (
echo %multinum2%>> takennumbers.txt &goto next2)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum3= Now type their third number [0 if they only picked 2 numbers]
if '%multinum3%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 4
findstr /x /c:%multinum3% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart3
) || (
echo %multinum3%>> takennumbers.txt &goto next3)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum4= Now type their fourth number [0 if they only picked 3 numbers]
if '%multinum4%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 5
findstr /x /c:%multinum4% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart4
) || (
echo %multinum4%>> takennumbers.txt &goto next4)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum5= Now type their fifth number [0 if they only picked 4 numbers]
if '%multinum5%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 6
echo ---------------------------
findstr /x /c:%multinum5% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart5
) || (
echo %multinum5%>> takennumbers.txt)
set number= %multinum1% %multinum2% %multinum3% %multinum4% %multinum5%
echo %name% has chosen the number[s] %number%
echo %name% %number% >> lottery.txt
sort < takennumbers.txt > takennumbersnice.txt
echo press any key to exit
pause > nul
First of all, findstr is smart enough to tell the difference between 1, 10, and 100 without you having to format numbers less than 10. I'd recommend dropping the leading 0 since that's how batch indicates that a number is in hexadecimal, and you'll get an error for 08 and 09.
Now then, your problem gave me quite a bit of trouble for a bit, but I figured it out. When you echo the number to the text file, you inadvertently add a space to the end of the number and when findstr looks for the exact string, it doesn't find it because instead of "15", you've got "15 " (note the space).
Thankfully, the solution is simple. Change
echo %multinum1%>>takennumbers.txt & goto next)
echo %multinum1%>>takennumbers.txt&goto next)
And do this for the three other lines like that.