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Smart TV App SDKs and support of auto start and auto update

I'm a newbe in SmartTV app development and trying to figure out if the related devices (SmartTVs) through their SDKs of the two major vendors Samsung and LG support the following when it comes to a custom implemented app:

  1. Is it possible to auto start the app on TV start/restart? and if yes how? Does someone know any reference in their APIs of how it is done?

  2. if there is a newer version of my app how does the updates takes place? Is it possible to automatically update the app or at least send some short of notification for software update needed?

Thanks in advance


    1. There is no way to achieve autostart in SDK distributed by vendors. But there is at least one app, that starts with TV (Some European IPTV provider, can't remember name). You need to contact with vendors support and find out for yourself.
    2. Samsung apps distributed and updated through its store, you upload updated version on seller portal and its distributed on tv. Users are prompted to update app when new version is available.

      LG hosted apps you can update yourself, packaged apps - same as with Samsung.