I have to datasets: seq1 and seq2 (DNA sequences). I wanted to do a dataplot, comparing the two sequences and placing a dot where the two sequences match. I was able to accomplish this using seqinr's dotplot, but what I am unable to do is to list the sequences on the axis, so you can see which dots matching. Essentially, I want to replace the numbers with the sequence letters.
Is there anyway to do this? Maybe through ggplot2?
These are my sequences:
seq1 <- c("G","C","T","A","G","T","C","A","G","A","T","C","T","G","A","C","G","C","T","A")
seq2 <- c("G","A","T","G","G","T","C","A","C","A","T","C","T","G","C","C","G","C")
And this is how I generated this graph:
dotPlot(seq1, seq2, main = "Dot plot of 2 different sequences
\nwsize = 4, wstep = 1, nmatch = 3", wsize = 4, wstep = 1, nmatch = 3)
How about a modified version (aka "a quick-and-dirty hack") of the dotplot-function? First, copy and paste the following code into R:
dotplot<-function (seq1, seq2, wsize = 1, wstep = 1, nmatch = 1, cols = c("white",
"black"), xlab = deparse(substitute(seq1)), ylab = deparse(substitute(seq2)), type=2,
...) {
cat("This is a modification of the function dotPlot from package seqinr.\n")
if (nchar(seq1[1]) > 1)
stop("seq1 should be provided as a vector of single chars")
if (nchar(seq2[1]) > 1)
stop("seq2 should be provided as a vector of single chars")
if (wsize < 1)
stop("non allowed value for wsize")
if (wstep < 1)
stop("non allowed value for wstep")
if (nmatch < 1)
stop("non allowed value for nmatch")
if (nmatch > wsize)
stop("nmatch > wsize is not allowed")
mkwin <- function(seq, wsize, wstep) {
sapply(seq(from = 1, to = length(seq) - wsize + 1, by = wstep),
function(i) c2s(seq[i:(i + wsize - 1)]))
wseq1 <- mkwin(seq1, wsize, wstep)
wseq2 <- mkwin(seq2, wsize, wstep)
if (nmatch == wsize) {
xy <- outer(wseq1, wseq2, "==")
else {
"%==%" <- function(x, y) colSums(sapply(x, s2c) == sapply(y,
s2c)) >= nmatch
xy <- outer(wseq1, wseq2, "%==%")
if(type==1) {
image(x = seq(from = 1, to = length(seq1), length = length(wseq1)),
y = seq(from = 1, to = length(seq2), length = length(wseq2)),
z = xy, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes=F, ...)
xy2<-matrix(nrow=length(seq1), ncol=length(seq2), data=FALSE)
ind<-which(xy, arr.ind=T)
ind<-data.frame(ind, row.names=NULL)
res<-data.frame(row=c(), col=c())
for(i in 1:nrow(ind)) {
DF<-data.frame(row=seq(from=ind$row[i], to=ind$row[i]+wsize-1),
col=seq(from=ind$col[i], to=ind$col[i]+wsize-1))
res<-rbind(res, DF)
if(type==2) {
image(x = seq(from = 1, to = length(seq1)), y = seq(from = 1, to = length(seq2)), z = xy2, col = cols, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes=F, ...)
axis(side=1, at=1:length(seq1), labels=seq1)
axis(side=2, at=1:length(seq2), labels=seq2, las=1)
out<-list(type1=xy, type2=xy2)
Then running the example you provided:
seq1 <- c("G","C","T","A","G","T","C","A","G","A","T","C","T","G","A","C","G","C","T","A")
seq2 <- c("G","A","T","G","G","T","C","A","C","A","T","C","T","G","C","C","G","C")
xy<-dotplot(seq1, seq2, wsize = 4, wstep = 1, nmatch = 3)
should produce the following plot:
In short, I expanded the function a little to produce a full matrix between the two sequences. If you inspect the output object xy
, you'll see the original (type1) matrix, and the expanded one (type2). For very long sequences this modification is not efficient, not to mention that the nucleotide/amino acid labels on the axes will overlap each other. You can change the plot type between type1 and type2 using the new argument type