Thank you, You answered my first question perfectly, I do need to use findstr /f /c: rather than findstr /c:.
as the question I asked has been answered, I feel that the topic is solved and the "tick" was well deserved :P I have moved onto another post to help solve the new problem I'm having.
@echo off
echo --------------------
echo Lottery Program
echo --------------------
echo These are the Taken numbers.
type takennumbersnice.txt
set /p name= Please type the players name
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum1= Please type their first number [01-100]
findstr /x /c:%multinum1% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart
) || (
echo %multinum1%>> takennumbers.txt & goto next)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum2= Now type their second number [0 if they only picked 1 number]
if '%multinum2%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 3
findstr /x /c:%multinum2% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart2
) || (
echo %multinum2%>> takennumbers.txt &goto next2)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum3= Now type their third number [0 if they only picked 2 numbers]
if '%multinum3%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 4
findstr /x /c:%multinum3% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart3
) || (
echo %multinum3%>> takennumbers.txt &goto next3)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum4= Now type their fourth number [0 if they only picked 3 numbers]
if '%multinum4%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 5
findstr /x /c:%multinum4% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart4
) || (
echo %multinum4%>> takennumbers.txt &goto next4)
echo ---------------------------
set /p multinum5= Now type their fifth number [0 if they only picked 4 numbers]
if '%multinum5%'=='0' (
goto endofnums
) else (
goto 6
echo ---------------------------
findstr /x /c:%multinum5% takennumbersnice.txt && (
echo This number has already been taken! & pause && goto thestart5
) || (
echo %multinum5%>> takennumbers.txt)
set number= %multinum1% %multinum2% %multinum3% %multinum4% %multinum5%
echo %name% has chosen the number[s] %number%
echo %name% %number% >> lottery.txt
sort < takennumbers.txt > takennumbersnice.txt
echo press any key to exit
pause > nul
if you omit the /X-Switch for findstr (exact match), findstr will find' a "10" also in "100" and "1000".
try findstr /x /c: