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IndexOutOfRangeException when calling SqlQuery.ExecuteAsCollection<T>() but not in the Command & Watch Windows

I have a very strage problem with the SqlQuery.ExecuteAsCollection<T>() method and I am not sure whether this is related to SubSonic, my database or .NET.

When the following line gets executed:

FlowerCollection myCollection = sqlQuery.ExecuteAsCollection<FlowerCollection>();

my application crashes with the IndexOutOfRangeException that occured in System.Data.dll and the Additional Information containing the name of a column in the Flower table (which does exist both in the database itself and in the generated SubSonic class). However when I execute the same line in the Command Widnow or in the Watch window I get the result I expect without any errors.

I tried to load the debug symbols for .NET but in this case there seem to be no source code available so I am not able to debug it like that.

Have you got any ideas what else I can try to find the bug?

EDIT: I just added a try/catch around this code block and it throws exeptions for each column in the Flower table.


  • I found a workaround...

    my original SqlQuery was constructed with an argument limiting the columns in the result:

    SqlQuery sqlQuery = new Select(new String[] { Flower.Columns.Name }).From(Tables.Flower)

    after I removed the argument from the Select constructor it runs without throwing any exception:

    SqlQuery sqlQuery = new Select().From(Tables.Flower)

    Why it worked in the Command & Watch in spite of this remains a mistery...