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RubyMotion and InfoPlist.strings localization

I want to localize some keys in InfoPlist.strings in RubyMotion project. I've created the language specific directories (en.lproj and so on), put the localized InfoPlist.strings files there. But it seems that the app doesn't load those files. So it uses the values from the InfoPlist.strings in top-level resources directory.

Actually, I don't know if rubymotion is supposed to handle those files at all, maybe it's an xcode-only thing. So I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, or is it just unsupported? If it's not supported then how can I localized the info.plist?



  • You can set your localized plist constants in resources/XX.lproj/InfoPlist.strings

    In the Rakefile you can have some values like app.info_plist['FacebookDisplayName'] = 'xx'. I'm not sure but it may override your localized plists. Try to put your localized vars in these files only.

    My localized plist: resources/fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings

    CFBundleDisplayName = "WeMoms"; NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription = "Votre position nous permet d'afficher le contenu le plus adapté possible";