In GWT application, I am using the DualListField which has six icon buttons(arrows) associated with it?
Our requirement is to use only the left and right arrows.
But the widget is created in the constructor of DualListField so I am not able to disable those arrows as well as the buttons are defined as private without any getters and setters.We are using GXT 3.0.1
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I tried to figure out a solution but they intended to protect DualListField
from developers change or behavior changes. The code is Copyright(c) 2007-2012, Sencha, Inc.
so the following solution may not applied for commercial use.
You can either create your own DualList
by copying the code and made the changes, or override their version by make the changes on a copy of DualListField
then put the file in the same package structure to make it override the one in the JAR.
Copy the java file DualListField
and paste it in a package named com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.form
then remove all unwanted IconButton
and compile and use it instead the original.