For example I have a Hermitian matrix, A and I Diagonalize it with matrix B as:
A11= -0.0034
A12= -0.007 -1j*0.0098
A13= -0.0112 - 1j*0.0712
A21= A12.conjugate()
A22= 0.2162
A23= 1.062 - 1j*0.0584
A31= A13.conjugate()
A32= A23.conjugate()
A33= 2.462
A= matrix([[A11,A12,A13],[A21,A22,A23],[A31,A32,A33]])
eigenvalues_of_A, eigenvectors_of_A = numpy.linalg.eig(A);
B = eigenvectors_of_A[:,abs(eigenvalues_of_A).argsort()]
diagonal_matrix= B.I * A * B
Which is straight forward.
What I want is to create a module. Lets say I will input 100 different Hermitian matrices and import the module in an existing python script to compute the 100 different B matrices (for each of the different inputs).
EDIT (making my question more general)
Reason: The reason for creating the module is to use it in more general purpose. By general I mean, lets say in a single python script, I have different types of matrices (for example, Hermitian matrix, real matrix, general complex matrix); now diagonalization of different types of matrices are different. so I want to create a module (which contains different diagonalization procedures depending on the type of the matrix) and call it whenever I need to diagonalize any matrix.
Confession: I have no idea how to create a module.
What you can do is use a dictionary to store 100 input Hermitian matrices using a for loop as:
for i in range(100):
new_A = matrix([[A11,A12,A13],[A21,A22,A23],[A31,A32,A33]]) # new input matrix (A)
input_dict[i] = new_A
After that use another dictionary to store 100 B matrices as:
for i in input_dict.keys():
eigenvalues_of_A, eigenvectors_of_A = numpy.linalg.eig(input_dict[i]);
B = eigenvectors_of_A[:,abs(eigenvalues_of_A).argsort()]
B_matrices[i] = B
Now, input_matrix[i]
gives you ith input matrix and B_matrices[i]
gives you corresponding B matrix.
You can create a module for diagonal matrix as:
def diagonalize(A):
eigenvalues_of_A, eigenvectors_of_A = numpy.linalg.eig(A);
B = eigenvectors_of_A[:,abs(eigenvalues_of_A).argsort()]
diagonal_matrix= B.I * A * B
return diagonal_matrix
Now call it as:
diagonal_matrix = diagonalize(A)