I tried to install the latex-suite plugin for vim and extracted it in ~/.vim/plugin/vim-latex. I added the recommended lines (as described here) to my .vimrc, but still have a couple of issues with it. I do not want to use gvim, but I am not sure, whether the plugin works with vim. Since I've installed the plugin the following errors occur whenever I open vim:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
line 4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
line 4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
line 4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
line 4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
line 4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
Error detected while processing /Users/fs/.vim/plugin/vim-latex/ftplugin/latex-suite/elementmacros.vim:
line 124:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_FontMaps | exe ``vnoremap <silent> ''.g:Tex_Leader.``em \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\emph{', '}', '{\\em', '\\/}')<CR>'' | endif
line 125:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_FontMaps
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_FontMaps | exe 'call IMAP (``FEM'', ``\\emph{<++>}<++>'', ``tex'')' | endif
line 128:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
line 171:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus
line 248:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus
line 311:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus
line 324:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_CatchVisMapErrors
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_CatchVisMapErrors
Error detected while processing /Users/fs/.vim/plugin/vim-latex/ftplugin/latex-suite/envmacros.vim:
line 9:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_EnvironmentMaps
E15: Invalid expression: !g:Tex_EnvironmentMaps && !g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus
Error detected while processing /Users/fs/.vim/plugin/vim-latex/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim:
line 209:
E117: Unknown function: Tex_MakeMap
line 210:
E117: Unknown function: Tex_MakeMap
line 306:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Leader2
E15: Invalid expression: ''.``\n Environment shortcuts''.``\n <mapleader> is a value of g:Tex_Leader2''.``\n I v&V I v&V''.``\n ELI ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``li list EQN ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``qn quotation''.``\n EDE ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``de description ESP ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``sb sloppypar''.``\n EEN ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``en enumerate ETI ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ti theindex''.``\n EIT ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``it itemize ETP ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``tp titlepage''.``\n ETI ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ti theindex EVM ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``vm verbatim''.``\n ETL ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``tl trivlist EVE ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ve verse''.``\n ETE ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``te table ETB ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``tb thebibliography''.``\n ETG ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``tg tabbing ENO ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``no note''.``\n ETR ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``tr tabular EOV ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ov overlay''.``\n EAR ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ar array ESL ''.g:Tex
line 324:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Leader
E15: Invalid expression: ''.``\n Font shortcuts''.``\n <mapleader> is a value of g:Tex_Leader''.``\n Shortcuts Effects''.``\n I v&V I&v V''.``\n FBF ''.g:Tex_Leader.``bf \\textbf{} {\\bfseries }''.``\n FMD ''.g:Tex_Leader.``md \\textmd{} {\\mdseries }''.``\n''.``\n FTT ''.g:Tex_Leader.``tt \\texttt{} {\\ttfamily }''.``\n FSF ''.g:Tex_Leader.``sf \\textsf{} {\\sffamily }''.``\n FRM ''.g:Tex_Leader.``rm \\textrm{} {\\rmfamily }''.``\n''.``\n FUP ''.g:Tex_Leader.``up \\textup{} {\\upshape }''.``\n FSL ''.g:Tex_Leader.``sl \\textsl{} {\\slshape }''.``\n FSC ''.g:Tex_Leader.``sc \\textsc{} {\\scshape }''.``\n FIT ''.g:Tex_Leader.``it \\textit{} {\\itshape }''
line 337:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Leader2
E15: Invalid expression: ''.``\n Section shortcuts''.``\n <mapleader> is a value of g:Tex_Leader2''.``\n I v&V''.``\n SPA ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``pa part''.``\n SCH ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ch chapter''.``\n SSE ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``se section''.``\n SSS ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``ss subsection''.``\n SS2 ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``s2 subsubsection''.``\n SPG ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``pg paragraph''.``\n SSP ''.g:Tex_Leader2.``sp subparagraph''
Error detected while processing function <SNR>25_Tex_SpecialMacros:
line 7:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation.a:submenu.a:name
line 29:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus
line 7:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation.a:submenu.a:name
line 29:
E121: Undefined variable: g:Tex_Menus
E15: Invalid expression: g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus
line 7:
Some of the shortcuts work in vim (for example the F5 key), but others do not (for example `p in a math environment should change to \pi). When I hit \ll it tries to generate the pdf, but the following errors occur:
Error detected while processing function Tex_RunLaTeX:
line 7:
E121: Undefined variable: s:target
E15: Invalid expression: s:target
line 10:
E121: Undefined variable: s:target
E116: Invalid arguments for function Tex_Debug
line 12:
E121: Undefined variable: s:target
E116: Invalid arguments for function Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_FormatDependency_'.s:target) != ''
E15: Invalid expression: Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_FormatDependency_'.s:target) != ''
line 21:
E121: Undefined variable: dependency
E116: Invalid arguments for function Tex_Debug
line 25:
E121: Undefined variable: dependency
E116: Invalid arguments for function Tex_Strntok(dependency, ',', i) != ''
E15: Invalid expression: Tex_Strntok(dependency, ',', i) != ''
line 51:
E121: Undefined variable: initTarget
E15: Invalid expression: initTarget
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Here are the other plugins that I am using in vim:
Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' `` let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'L9'
'' Plugin 'git://git.code.sf.net/p/atp-vim/code' `` vim latex automatic
'' Plugin 'the-nerd-tree' `` nerdTree
Plugin 'tomtom/tcomment_vim' '' toggle comment
Plugin 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion' ``easy motion plugin <leader><leader>w
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround' ''surround plugin
`` Plugin 'LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box' ''latex plugin
Plugin 'ervandew/supertab' ``supertab
Plugin 'yegappan/mru' ''MRU (most recently used)
Plugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim' `` Control P search
Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown' '' markdown syntax highlighting
Plugin 'Raimondi/delimitMate' `` auto complete for brackets and stuff
Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized' '' solarized color scheme
Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic' ``syntax check for a bunch of different languages
Plugin 'bling/vim-airline' ''fancy status line
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
The location ~/.vim/plugin/vim-latex
is wrong. Either directly unzip the plugin to ~/.vim/
, so that the Vimscript files are placed into the appropriate plugin
etc. subdirectories, or use Vundle to install and manage the plugin.
The errors are caused by the fact that the plugin configuration didn't execute, so the other parts of the plugin complain about missing config.