I have a custom class, as follows in Swift
import UIKit
class NewsDealDao: NSObject
var dealID: NSString = ""
var discountPercent: NSString = ""
var dealName: NSString = ""
var dealProvider: NSString = ""
var descriptionDeal: NSString = ""
var expiryDate: NSString = ""
var partnerLevelName: NSString = ""
var logoPath: NSString = ""
var categoryName: NSString = ""
var websiteURL: NSString = ""
var favourite: NSString = ""
var distance: NSString = ""
Now I made its objects, fetched from XML and put inside an Array, i.e news_array.
I want to see values in side Array.
In Objective-C, I could code like
for (NewsDealDao *news in news_array){
NSLog(@"News is %@", news.dealName);
While in Swift, I tried,
for news in news_array {
println ("\(news)")
Also I tried following code, but it crashes,
for var index = 0; index < news_array.count; index++ {
println("Hello \(index)")
var news: NewsDealDao = news_array.objectAtIndex(index)
println("New is \(news.dealName)")
var array_newsDeal = NSMutableArray() //This is how array is made,
//This is protocol
protocol NewsDeal_ParserDelegate {
func parsingWasFinished(newsDeal_array: NSMutableArray)
//This is adding objects to array, when Tag is called.
if elementName == "DealDetails" {
//Returning array via Protocol to previous class. Where I wana see result.
func parserDidEndDocument(parser: NSXMLParser) {
Any solution, How can I see variables inside my class objects, which are stored in Array.
I guess you use NSArray,so try this code:
var news: NewsDealDao = news_array.objectAtIndex(index) as NewsDealDao
In swift,objectAtIndex return AnyObject,you have to convert it to the class type you want
Update: I think this line is wrong
You should add a instance of NewsDealDao,not class