Search code examples

Multiple join in SQLalchemy

I've got some objects that look like below. I've got some property units, which contain one or more tenants, and the tenant object has a one-to-one relationship with users

class User(Base):
    Application's user model.
    __tablename__ = 'usr_users'
    usr_user_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    usr_email = Column(Unicode(50))
    _usr_password = Column('password', Unicode(64))
    usr_groups = Column(Unicode(256))
    usr_activated = Column(Boolean)

    tenant = relationship("Tenant", uselist=False, backref="usr_users")
class Tenant(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ten_tenants'
    ten_tenant_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    ten_ptu_property_unit_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ptu_property_units.ptu_property_unit_id'))
    ten_usr_user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('usr_users.usr_user_id'))

class PropertyUnit(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ptu_property_units'
    ptu_property_unit_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    ptu_pty_property_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pty_propertys.pty_property_id'))

    tenants = relationship("Tenant")

I'm attempting to pull all of the units for a property, including the tenant information and the email from the user table.

I managed to get one join pretty easy:

rows = DBSession.query(PropertyUnit).join(Tenant).filter(PropertyUnit.ptu_pty_property_id==request.GET['property_id']).order_by(PropertyUnit.ptu_number)
    units = rows.all()

And I'm displaying in the template like this:

% for unit in units:
          tenants = unit.tenants
        <td><a href="/manager/unit?property_unit_id=${unit.ptu_number}">${unit.ptu_number}</a></td>
        % for tenant in tenants:
        % endfor
      % endfor

So far so good. Now I need to pull the user information from the tenant foreign key, so I thought I could just tack on another join:

rows = DBSession.query(PropertyUnit).join(Tenant).join(User).filter(PropertyUnit.ptu_pty_property_id==request.GET['property_id']).order_by(PropertyUnit.ptu_number)
    units = rows.all()

This appears to work in the SQL logs, as it generates the right SQL, but I'm unable to get to the data in the same way that I did the first time. This fails:

% for unit in units:
          tenants = unit.tenants
        <td><a href="/manager/unit?property_unit_id=${unit.ptu_number}">${unit.ptu_number}</a></td>
        % for tenant in tenants:
                user = tenant.User
        % endfor
      % endfor

So, the above code throws a "'Tenant' object has no attribute 'User'" error.

How do I get to that user join?


  • There's no attribute User on Tenant because you didn't define one. You called it usr_users in the backref, so you should access it as tenant.usr_users.