I've got some objects that look like below. I've got some property units, which contain one or more tenants, and the tenant object has a one-to-one relationship with users
class User(Base):
Application's user model.
__tablename__ = 'usr_users'
usr_user_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
usr_email = Column(Unicode(50))
_usr_password = Column('password', Unicode(64))
usr_groups = Column(Unicode(256))
usr_activated = Column(Boolean)
tenant = relationship("Tenant", uselist=False, backref="usr_users")
class Tenant(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ten_tenants'
ten_tenant_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ten_ptu_property_unit_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ptu_property_units.ptu_property_unit_id'))
ten_usr_user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('usr_users.usr_user_id'))
class PropertyUnit(Base):
__tablename__ = 'ptu_property_units'
ptu_property_unit_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ptu_pty_property_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pty_propertys.pty_property_id'))
tenants = relationship("Tenant")
I'm attempting to pull all of the units for a property, including the tenant information and the email from the user table.
I managed to get one join pretty easy:
rows = DBSession.query(PropertyUnit).join(Tenant).filter(PropertyUnit.ptu_pty_property_id==request.GET['property_id']).order_by(PropertyUnit.ptu_number)
units = rows.all()
And I'm displaying in the template like this:
% for unit in units:
tenants = unit.tenants
<td><a href="/manager/unit?property_unit_id=${unit.ptu_number}">${unit.ptu_number}</a></td>
% for tenant in tenants:
% endfor
% endfor
So far so good. Now I need to pull the user information from the tenant foreign key, so I thought I could just tack on another join:
rows = DBSession.query(PropertyUnit).join(Tenant).join(User).filter(PropertyUnit.ptu_pty_property_id==request.GET['property_id']).order_by(PropertyUnit.ptu_number)
units = rows.all()
This appears to work in the SQL logs, as it generates the right SQL, but I'm unable to get to the data in the same way that I did the first time. This fails:
% for unit in units:
tenants = unit.tenants
<td><a href="/manager/unit?property_unit_id=${unit.ptu_number}">${unit.ptu_number}</a></td>
% for tenant in tenants:
user = tenant.User
% endfor
% endfor
So, the above code throws a "'Tenant' object has no attribute 'User'" error.
How do I get to that user join?
There's no attribute User
on Tenant
because you didn't define one. You called it usr_users
in the backref, so you should access it as tenant.usr_users