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HipChat integration with Jenkins

I'm trying to add the HipChat plugin to my Jenkins builds, but it doesn't post anything.

In the global configuration I've set the HipChat server to, added an API token und default room ID, set the build server URL to and the send as name to Jenkins.

In the build job configuration I've tried setting the same room ID and leaving the field blank (so it should use the default). I've activated all notify checkboxes and added HipChat Notifications as the (only) post-build action.

However, I'm not receiving any build updates in the given room. So I've added a custom Jenkins logger, logging ALL from jenkins.plugins.hipchat. For every build I start, I get a single log entry like this:

Aug 28, 2014 6:08:20 PM INFO jenkins.plugins.hipchat.HipChatNotifier$HipChatJobProperty prebuild
Invoking Started...

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or how I could debug this further?

PS: I'm running on Cloudbees — not sure if this makes any difference.


  • The Hipchat notifier plugin for Jenkins uses the HipChat API v1, not the newer API v2. I had the same problem while trying to use a v2 token.

    Try creating an admin token in Hipchat for Jenkins (e.g., instead of creating a room token (e.g.,

    I was able to get the HipChat API v2 token working with a manually built hpi from the project.