So I have two models in the same app that have pretty much identical url structures:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^prizes/', include(patterns('prizes.views',
url(r'^$', 'PrizeStore_Index', name="prizestore"),
url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', PrizeCompanyDetailView.as_view(), name="prizecompany"),
url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', 'PrizeType_Index', name="prizetype"),
url(r'^(?P<company>[\w-]+)/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', 'PrizeItem_Index', name="prizepage"),
# Old Redirects
The problems here being Reviews and PrizeType. I want my urls structured so that a user looking for prizes under a certain category goes to /prizes/prizetype. But if they want to see prizes under a certain company, then they'd go to /prizes/companyslug/. However, these two urls will naturally conflict. I can always just change the url structure, though I'd rather not. I just want to know if there are any ways around this that don't involve changing the url structure.
I would suggest writing a helper view function, which checks whether the inputted url corresponds to a company or a category, and then redirecting the request to the appropriate page.
url(r'^prizes/', include(patterns('prizes.views',
url(r'^$', 'PrizeStore_Index', name="prizestore"),
url(r'^(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', prizehelper, name="prizehelper),
where, you can check within prizehelper
, if it is a company or a category and move on accordingly.
Another approach could be, to change your url structure, and reflect which type of url it is
url(r'^prizes/', include(patterns('prizes.views',
url(r'^$', 'PrizeStore_Index', name="prizestore"),
url(r'^company/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', PrizeCompanyDetailView.as_view(), name="prizecompany"),
url(r'^category/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', 'PrizeType_Index', name="prizetype"),