I am from a C background and hence this problem in Python really confounds me
Consider this
print ~(1 << 1)
This correctly prints -3
Consider this
print ~(1 << 0)
This flags an error like
TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~: 'long'
I checked for various other positive values of shift count and it works fine. Only a shift count of zero doesn't seem to work. All similar posts on unary operators that I found on SO dealt with other operators like +
, -
etc but not ~
I just dabble in Python every now and then, so I may be missing something silly but googling dint help much
PS: I ran this on codeskulptor which is probably using Python 2.7, I am not sure though
EDIT: This turns out to be a bug in Codeskulptor. I wrote a mail to Prof Rixner who's the main developer to take note of this bug. Thanks all.
This is an error with CodeSkulptor's implementation.
If you force the value back to int, it works:
print ~(int(1 << 0))
Okay, perhaps 'error' was too strong -- looking at their site they only claim to "implement a subset of Python 2".