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Oracle Coherence Refresh-Ahead: refresh doesn't work if the cache is queried earlier than soft-expiration period

I got strange behaviour of refresh ahead functionality. Here is my configuration:

        <socket-provider system-property="tangosol.coherence.socketprovider"/>



and if I request my service with a period of 6s (10s*0.5) seconds everything is fine. I have no delaying in response(except for the first time), but if i change a period to 3 seconds for example, then i start getting delays every 10 seconds. I have no idea why it is happening. It looks like if i request my service before expectable period (from 5 to 10 seconds) asynchronous loading doesn't happen even if after that i request it again. Is there any explanation of it and how can i bypass this behaviour?



  • The problem has been solved. The reason why i've got such a situation is that front-scheme didn't notify the back-scheme because of the same expiration time. In a few words, to use refresh-ahead functionality with near cache you have to set expiration time of front-scheme equal to soft-expiration time(in that case it will be 10s*0.5).