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Handling multiple touch in android such as Pinch In and Pinch Out

I am trying to achieve multi touch in such as way that when user pinch out with two finger outside I need to handle one event and on pinching In other event. No ZOOMING IN or ZOOMING OUT NEEDED.

So I am handling onTouchEvent on layout, but could not get conditions true for pinching in and pinching out.

Here is code,

 layout.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
        private int mActivePointerId;
        public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
            mActivePointerId = motionEvent.getPointerId(0);
            Log.d(TAG, "COUNT"+motionEvent.getPointerCount());
            if(motionEvent.getPointerCount() > 1){
                if((motionEvent.getAction() == motionEvent.ACTION_UP) && (motionEvent.getAction() == motionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN))
                Log.d(TAG, "Multi Touch Upwards ");
                return true;
            } else if((motionEvent.getAction() == motionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) && (motionEvent.getAction() == motionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP)){
                Log.d(TAG, "Multi Touch DownWard ");
                return true;
                Log.d(TAG, "It is signal Touch");

            return true;

I referred this link but not very clear example Any suggestion to make it work...thanks


  • You can make it work with the help of ScaleGestureDector. Just need to check the scalefactor if the scale factor would be more then 1 then it would be Pinch Out otherwise Pinch In.

    Here is good example, it is very easy and fits your need well, Just follow the instruction from this link ScaleGestureDector