I'm creating a GUI in R using gWidgets
(more specifically gWidgetstcltk
). I'd like to know how to update the contents of selection-type widgets, such as gdroplist
and gtable
. I currently have a rather hackish method of deleting the widget and re-creating it. I'm sure there's a better way.
This simple example displays all the variables in the global environment.
create.widgets <- function()
grp <- ggroup(container = win)
ddl <- gdroplist(ls(envir = globalenv()),
container = grp)
refresh <- gimage("refresh",
dirname = "stock",
container = grp,
handler = function(h, ...)
if(exists("grp") && !is.null(grp))
delete(win, grp)
win <- gwindow()
AFAIK those refresh events are often owned by the window manager so this may be tricky.