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How to Calculate (a/b) %c where a,b and c are very large numbers

I have a function
f(x)=(1^1)*(2^2)*(3^3)*.....(x^x) i have to calculate (f(x)/(f(x-r)*f(r)))modulo c
i can calculate f(x) and (f(x-r)*f(r)). assume f(x) is a and f(x-r)*f(r) is b. c is some number that is very larger. `` so i how can calculate (a/b)%c


    1. your f(x) is just ᴨ (PI cumulative multiplication) squared

      • it is hard to write it in here so i will deifine g(x0,x1) instead
      • g(x0,x1)=x0*(x0+1)*(x0+2)*...*x1
      • so:
      • f(x)=g(1,x)^2
    2. computing h(x,r,c)=f(x)/(f(x-r)*f(r))%c

      • when you rewrite it to g() you get:
      • h(x,r,c)=((g(1,x)/(g(1,x-r)*g(1,r)))^2)%c
      • now simplify (and lower magnitude) as much as you can
      • so compute sqr as last (no need to have in sub-results)
      • get rid of duplicate therms
      • there are two options get rid of g(1,x-r) or g(1,r)
      • choose what is better for you I would chose whichever is bigger
      • so if (x-r>r) then:
      • h(x,r,c)=(g(x-r+1,x)/g(1,r)^2)%c
      • else:
      • h(x,r,c)=(g(r+1,x)/g(1,x-r)^2)%c
    3. some math tweaks

      • you should compute both therms a,b (from (a/b)%c) parallel
      • when both can be divided by any of first few primes then divide them booth to keep the magnitude low
      • something like::
      • `if ((a&1==0)&&(b&1==0)) { a>>=1; b>>=1; } // dividing by prime = 2 ... this is usually enough
      • but if your magnitudes are very big then may be you should add also some like 3,5,7,...
      • but always measure the performance drop and stop if it drops too much
    4. if x is big and r is small

      • then compute b first
      • and while computing a
      • in addition to primes check also if the sub-result is divisible also by b
      • if it is then divide a by b and add the result to the final division result
    5. some speed boost

      • you can compute partial a,b
      • and start testing the divisibility only if booth have magnitudes bigger then some treshold
      • also you can make the computation waiting for each other
      • so if a>1000000 then wait until the b is also so big or whole
      • and do the same also in revers (if b>100000 ....)
      • the bigger treshold the better speed but you are limited by your integer implementation
      • if using bigints then you should use treshold smaller then halve the bits of the base number ...

    Hope I did not make some silly math mistake...