I'm trying to create a new snippet snippet the way that the author of UltiSnips does at 1:28 in this instructional video that he made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_WQxYgK0Pk
How do you put "endsnippets" inside of the snippet without it calling the end of the snippet?
So far I've put the following in ~/.vim/UtliSnips/snippets.snippets
snippet snip "The Snippet Snippet"
snippet ${1:Trigger} "${2:Description}" ${3:Options}
This is somewhat of a solution however it creates whitespace at the start of evey "endsnippet" line for every snippet I make. I want to get it right up to the left edge of the screen just like it is in the video. Any suggestions?
The answer is actually provided in that same video from 7:50 - 8:17. So all you have to do is the following
snippet snip "The Snippet Snippet"
snippet ${1:Trigger} "${2:Description}" ${3:Options}
`echo endsnippet`
I actually thought about this before I posted the question, but for some reason I thought that it wouldn't work. Anyway sorry for wasting time, but hopefully this might help someone else with the same problem.