I want to run codenarc on our jenkins it always fails and all I get in the output is
$ /opt/grails/bin/grails -Dgrails.work.dir=/var/lib/jenkins/.grails-codenarc codenarc --non-interactive
| Loading Grails 2.4.4
| Configuring classpath
| Running pre-compiled script
| Error Script not found: Codenarc
Build step 'Build With Grails' marked build as failure
Of course I included it in the BuildConfig.groovy
plugins {
build ":tomcat:$tomcatVersion"
compile ':codenarc:0.22'
Also, when I run it on the server within a bash as the jenkins user, it works perfectly and is creating the expected output files.
Any ideas?
If the build does a clean checkout you need to run grails compile
before running any scripts to ensure the plugins are installed