I am a perl & catalyst newbie and I have been playing around with Catalyst::DispatchType::Chained and I am wondering if it is possible to allow for chained paths to be rewired in different patterns :
or do you have to have a uniquely defined endpoint for each path ?
I think this would be two chains with two endpoints:
sub hello : PathPart("hello") : CaptureArgs(1) {# /hello/*/...}
sub world : chained "/hello" : PathPart("world") : Args(1) {# /hello/*/world/*}
sub world_base : PathPart("/world") : CaptureArgs(1) {# world/*/...}
sub hello_world chained "world_base" PathPart("hello") Args(1) {# /world/*/hello/*}
However, if they both do the same thing, just forward to a method that does what you want in both methods, I would suggest.
Forwarding can be weird across controllers, I usually have a method for that in my Main.pm. If you need further help with that, feel free to ask.
Be a bit careful about "chains" and "paths": A chain always needs an endpoint, that is, a sub Chained
with only Args( ) at the end, as above.
Paths are matched via PathPart.
for example
sub base Pathpart( "" ) : CaptureArgs(1) {}
sub hello Chained("base"): PathPart("hello") : Args(0){
# this is an endpoint
# path is /*/hello
sub hello_world : Chained("base") : PathPart("hello") : Args(1){
# another end to the chain started at base
# path is /*/hello/*
sub again : Chained("hello") : PathPart("") :CaptureArgs(1) {
# path is /*/hello/*/ ...
sub hello_universe : Chained("hello") : Pathpart("universe") : Args(1){
# another endpoint to another chain
# path is /*/hello/*/universe/*
Hope this helps.