I am trying to implement a new XPath PMD rule based on the example from the book "Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook".
My pom file's relevant section:
I have the file 'password_ruleset.xml' sitting in the root of my maven project and it looks as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="STUPID PASSWORDS ruleset"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://pmd.sf.net/ruleset/1.0.0 http://pmd.sf.net/ruleset_xml_schema.xsd"
Lets find stupid password examples
<rule name="NO_PASSWORD"
message="If we see a PASSWORD we should flag"
If we see a PASSWORD we should flag
<property name="xpath">
While executing i got the following error:
Failure executing PMD: Couldn't find the class net.sourceforge.pmd.rules.XPathRule
Checking which libraries contains this class i realized it's 'pmd' itself. I tried to add the dependency to the dependencies section without luck.
Where and what should i change to overcome this?
Please see the whole setup in github: https://github.com/dave00/pmdcustomrule
A friend of mine resolved my problem via github: https://github.com/mnyeste/pmdcustomrule/commit/ad2f04e33d2a5a04ef95d059d64a258ebca5b7be
PMD API change 4.3 -> 5.0 Class net.sourceforge.pmd.rules.XPathRule has been renamed to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.XPathRule
Maven PMD plugin version 3.2 is using PMD 5.1.2
Anyone interested can now pull my example project from github to see this working.