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Losing Data at TCP transfer

My problem is losing Data over my TCP Data transfer.

I've built a homemade AVR based web-server (or at least trying to).

I'm able to communicate with the client PC (my PC), and I'm able to send a few HTML lines (total data <100 bytes), no problem there.

But when I want to sent my basic home page (~1KB), I'm only getting in WireShark 181bytes of data.

I suspect the problem lies in the construction of the TCP.

data below are in hex format

From client(my PC):

sequence number: de db c7 b1

ack number: 00 0a 00 0b

From server(AVR):

sequence number: 00 0a 00 0b

ack number: de b6 c9 18

Total TCP Length: 935byte, IP and TCP header 20-20 byte

What settings did I set wrong?


  • Problem Solved!


    package_length is a integer, so is the ETXNDL(register). Until now the second SPIWR() function sent only the value 16: SPIWR(16); So the problem was, I never added the high-byte of the package_length to the 16, so the chip always sended 1-255 byte long packages.

    why 16? RX buffer starts at 0x0000, and ends at 0x0fff. TX buffer starts at 0x1000, and ends at 0x1fff.