I wonder if it is possible to search a value in columns using in clause having column names as in elements. for instance :
$username_or_mail = 'value';
select * from users where $username_or_mail in(username,email);
where username and email are column names in table users.
I tried this and seems that it is working but i want to be sure if i'm right.
Would I be right in assuming you're using this for a "Enter your username or e-mail address and password to login" login form?
If so, then your SQL code is correct, but hints at a possible design flaw: what happens if someone has a username that is also the email address of another user? This could be used as a malicious attack (i.e. hijack another user's account by making your username equal to the victim's email address).
There is a solution/workaround: simply check for the '@'
character and ensure that email addresses contain @
and similarly ensure that no username contains @
...and if you're going to do that logic, then you might as well optimize the SQL and skip having to check multiple columns (psuedocode):
if( $usernameOrEmail contains '@' ) {
registerParameter("@email", $usernameOrEmail);
$sql = "SELECT ... WHERE EmailAddress = @email"; // note that "@email" is the syntax for query parameters in MySQL.
} else {
registerParameter("@userName", $usernameOrEmail);
$sql = "SELECT ... WHERE UserName = @userName";