I can't figure out why this is constantly returning false. I can count the number of element "e" in a list in odd positions if I call another function, but I want to do it in a more clean and compact way. Here is the code:
count(E,[E,_|T],C) :-
C is D+1.
count(E,[H,_|T],C) :-
Your current formulation is correct when the list has even number of elements:
?- count(x, [x, y, x, x], C).
C = 2
But it will fail if the number of elements is odd.
To correct this you can just add couple of rules for one-element lists:
count(E,[H], 0):-
Now it works for lists with odd number of elements:
?- count(x, [x, y, x, x, x], C).
C = 3
?- count(y, [x, y, x, x, x], C).
C = 0
?- count(x, [y, y, y, y, x], C).
C = 1