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chaging max width property of grid in bourbon neat

I am using bourbon neat for thee first time. what I am trying to do is to set max-width property of neat in _grid.css Now I am trying to do it in PX say 700px but by default its $max-width: em(1000) !default; I tried giving it in PX but it doesn't work. can someone please tell mee where i am doing it wrong? thanks.


  • $max-width: em(1000) is using a mixin defined in Bourbon that allows you to set a value in pixels and the mixin will convert it to ems. so the example $max-width: em(1000) is equal to $max-width: 1000px

    Just go ahead and change that number to the value you want in pixels and let the mixin do the ems math for you.

    Hope that helps