I am creating a class diagram in Microsoft Visio 2010 for a Java Program. I would like to set an operation's visibility as being package/default, but that is not an option. The only choices are public, protected, or private.
I realize this isn't a typical visibility option for most programming languages, so Visio most likely doesn't support it. However, is there a way that I can define a custom visibility option for my diagram?
BobRodes got it right. If anyone is interested in how to do this, I will explain below. Please note that I am using Visio 2010. If you have a different version, the process might be slightly different.
** Important ** If you make any changes to the shape properties such as adding/changing a method or variable, this will rewrite the shape and remove any custom changes that you have made.
Package visibility in Java corresponds (pretty much) to internal visibility in C# (or Friend in VB). Visio doesn't support this level of visibility as you may see here. Now, UML uses a ~ in front of an attribute or method to denote package visibility. If all you care about is the diagram (and I find that that is the mindset I use when using Visio to create UML diagrams), you can set it to private, and overwrite the - with a ~.