What I have: a multigraph H in networkX. Two nodes '0' and '1'. An existing edge e1=(0,1).
What I want: add a second new edge e2 between nodes 0 and 1.
PROBLEM: When I add the new edge e2 between 0 and 1, e1 is updated whit the new value (attributes) of e2, and e2 is not added. There is always a single edge between 0 and 1
My example code:
If I print all the edges of H I correctly have this:
for i in H.edges(data=True):
print i
>>>>>(0, 1, {}) #this is ok
Now I add a new edge to e2=(0,1) using the key attribute:
But if i print all the edges of H:
for i in H.edges(data=True):
print i
>>>>>(0, 1, {'key': 1, 'value': 'blue'}) #this is error e1 was updated instead add of e2
As you can see, the second edge has update the first one, but e2 was added with a specified key, different form e1 (default is 0).
How can I avoid this problem?? I Want this result after adding edge e2:
for i in H.edges(data=True):
print i
>>>>>(0: 0, 1, {}, 1: 0,1,{'value': 'blue'} ) #this is correct
You don't have a multigraph so you are replacing edges instead of adding new ones. Use