Search code examples

Extract string from tuple embedded in a list, Python 3

Apologies in advance if this question has already been asked, have done some searching but no luck.

TL;DR: Trying to pull second piece of a tuple out as a string.

I am building a script with python3 that pulls information from LDAP and returns what is hopefully actionable data.

def GetMembersWDept():
    i2 = input('Please input the department number. Examples: 2410, 2417\n')
    criteria = '(&(objectClass=User)(department=' + i2 + '*))'
    print ('Search criteria set to: \t\t' + criteria)
    searchDC = 'dc=example,dc=com'
    print ('Searching location: \t\t\t' + searchDC)
    print ()
    out = []
    result =, criteria, \
        SEARCH_SCOPE_WHOLE_SUBTREE, attributes = ['department'])  \
        # request a few object from the ldap server
    if result:
        for r in c.response:
            if (r['type'] == 'searchResEntry'):
                out.append(r['attributes']) # comes out in tuple form
        print('result', conn.result)
    return out

This works well for pulling out the CN of the members in that department but not for extracting whatever additional information, in this case the department, is appended.

A sample output is:

Search criteria set to: (&(objectClass=User)(department=2417*)) Searching location: dc=ple,dc=com

['CN=First Last,OU=ex,OU=am,DC=ple,DC=com', {'department': ['1234']}, 'CN=Another Person,OU=ex,OU=am,DC=ple,DC=com', {'department': ['1234']}]

How can I pull out the second portion of the tuple, i.e. '1234', as a string instead? The endgame here would be to format the data as:

[First Last, 1234, Another Person, 1234]

... so I can use it in another function that compares the department and returns the name if conditions are not met.


  • If output is:

    ['CN=First Last,OU=ex,OU=am,DC=ple,DC=com', {'department': ['1234']}, 'CN=Another Person,OU=ex,OU=am,DC=ple,DC=com', {'department': ['1234']}]

    then you can set that equal to newresult and do:


    This assumes that the element in the list with the department is always in position 1, that the dictionary always has 1 value to it, and that the department number you want is the only item in the list.