I'm trying to create a virtual classroom. Since I'm not familiar with the web conferencing (or conferencing) terminology, I'm not sure if I'm understanding WebRTC's capabilities as I should.
I've looked in the examples for WebRTC, and all that I've found seem to be peer-to-peer connections. As I understand it, peer-to-peer connections are between two entities. However, virtual classrooms are different as far as I know; they require all parties to be connected to each other, so that when one user speaks/types, all users hear her.
Is such a thing possible with WebRTC? If so, what is it called and how can I read more about it?
Check out the open source Big Blue Button project (http://bigbluebutton.org/). They're currently Flash based but are actively moving towards webRTC. Rumor has it they'll be using Kurento as their MCU. They also have open source mobile (Android/iOS) application code.