I’m trying to implement a producer/consumer queue using Dataflow for HTTP requests towards a web service. I found an excellent post from Stephen Cleary, which is covering exactly this scenario. However, in contrast to Stephen’s post, I cannot mark the producer queue as complete since clients shall be able to enqueue requests throughout the entire lifetime of the application. The idea behind this approach that the client can constantly produce requests and the consumer is able to handle requests differently if more than 1 request is pending (which is required).
This requirement leads also to the fact that the consumption of the requests cannot be started after the production was finished, but have to be started the first request was enqueued. This also requires me to start the consumption in a non-blocking way (otherwise it would lead to a deadlock). I’ve done this via an async-call which is not awaited, which unfortunately hampers the exception handling. Exceptions occurring during the consumption (implementing the HTTP requests) cannot bubble up since the call of the consume-function is not awaited. I’ve introduced and event to deal with this kind of problem, but this leads me to the following questions:
To make it a more explicit, I’ve prepared a code example illustrating the problem I described above:
public class HttpConnector
private BufferBlock<RequestPayload> queue;
public delegate void ConnectorExceptionHandler(object sender, Exception e);
public event ConnectorExceptionHandler ConnectorExceptionOccured;
public Task<bool> ProduceRequest(RequestPayload payload)
if(this.queue == null)
this.queue = new BufferBlock<RequestPayload>();
this.ConsumeRequestsAsync(queue); //this call cannot be awaited since it would lead to a deadlock
//however, by not awaiting this call all exceptions raised in
//ConsumeRequestsAsync will be lost
return await queue.SendAsync(payload)
public Task ConsumeRequestsAsync(BufferBlock<RequestPayload> queue)
while(await queue.OutputAvailableAsync())
var payload = await queue.ReceiveAsync();
//do the HTTP request...
catch (Exception e)
ConnectorExceptionOccured(this, e); //fire event to forward the exception to the client
public class Client
private HttpConnector connector = new HttpConnector();
public Task<bool> UpdateDataAsync()
connector += (object sender, Exception e ) //register an event handler to receive exceptions occur
//during the consumption of the requests
//handle exception or re-throw
connector.ProduceRequest(new RequestPayload()); //produce a request
Forwarding exceptions via an event has some severe drawbacks:
For our problem it turned out that it is better to use TaskCompletionSource, which is a standard technique to synchronize different threads. An instance of TaskCompletionSource
class is provided by each RequestPayload
object. After the consumption the TaskCompletionSource.Task
is completed (either with the result or with an exception). The producer doesn't return the Task for queue.SendAsync(payload)
but payload.CompletionSource.Task
public class RequestPayload
public IModelBase Payload { get; set; }
public TaskCompletionSource<IResultBase> CompletionSource { get; private set; }
public class HttpConnector
private BufferBlock<RequestPayload> queue;
public Task ProduceRequest(RequestPayload payload)
if(this.queue == null)
this.queue = new BufferBlock<RequestPayload>();
await queue.SendAsync(payload);
return await payload.CompletionSource.Task;
public Task ConsumeRequestsAsync(BufferBlock<RequestPayload> queue)
while(await queue.OutputAvailableAsync())
var payload = await queue.ReceiveAsync();
//do the HTTP request...
catch (Exception e)
public class Client
private HttpConnector connector = new HttpConnector();
public Task UpdateDataAsync()
await connector.ProduceRequest(new RequestPayload());
catch(Exception e) { /*handle exception*/ }