OK, so i have localized resources in resources-pl as per googles documentation. My problem is that some characters seem to work, and some not.
I've scoured the interwebs, but from what i can see it SHOULD work so long as the file is UTF-8 encoded, but for some characters, i get the classic square icon instead, for example on HTC One and nexus 5.
The strange thing is that i just tried on an old Samsung Galaxy S, and there the 'weird' characters do show up, but in bold!
Example of offending string:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="action_nearestLocation">Najbliższą lokalizacje</string>
The 'z' and last 'a' in 'Nabli...' both show up as squares in my button. I set the text like this:
I've re-saved the file in Ultraedit to make sure it's UTF-8. I'm out of ideas, anybody with one please speak up :)
Oh, and final point - i'm hoping not having to muck around with unicode-numbers.
My guess is you're using a custom font that doesn't support Polish characters. Also, there is an error in your string: it should be "lokalizację" :-)