So I have been working on a program that ask the user to input a values and when the user exits the code by entering -99 its suppose to return the total Value of all the numbers and the average but I'm stumped My values keep getting overided by the previous one... here is my code
var user_Input;<br>
var output_msg;<br>
var count;<br>
var highest;<br>
var value;<br>
var total;<br>
count = 0;
user_Input = get_integer("Enter a number To add To the List(Enter -99 to leave)",-99);
if (user_Input == (-99)){
count += 1;
value = 0;
value = value + user_Input;
average = value/count;
until(user_Input == (-99)){
count -=1;
user_Input = user_Input + 99;
output_msg=("#Numbers Entered: " + string(count) + "##Total value of numbers: " + string(highest) + "## Average:" + string(average));`
How Do I make it so it doesn't override the previous one?
This is because you are setting value equal to 0 every time the while loop is executed. Try setting
value = 0;
before you start the do until loop. Perhaps right after
count = 0;
like this:
count = 0;
value = 0;
user_Input = get_integer("Enter a number To add To the List(Enter -99 to leave)",-99);
if (user_Input == (-99)){continue}
count += 1;
value = value + user_Input;
average = value/count;