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Trying to make tool on device using theos and iPhone6

I have read the Theos/Setup on the iPhoneDev Wiki.

I have installed Theos into /var/theos (private/var/theos) and have copied in the iPhone8.1.sdk into /var/theos/sdks/iPhone8.1.sdk:

iPhone:/var/theos/sdks root# ls -al
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 root admin 102 Nov  7 08:11 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 root admin 374 Nov  7 07:58 ../
drwxrwxr-x 5 root admin 306 Nov  7 08:01 iPhoneOS8.1.sdk/

I have fixed the issues with perl/rsync not being compiled for arm64 by following the instructions

I created a tool:

iPhone:~/Work/test root# ls
Makefile  control  theos@

However, when I make, I get the following error:

iPhone:~/Work/test root# make
/var/theos/makefiles/ *** The "iphone" target is not supported on the "iphone" platform.  Stop.

What am I doing wrong? Or is this a problem with the 8.1 sdk?


  • Following the article at got it working for me.

    I symlinked /var/theos/makefiles/platform/Darwin-arm to /var/theos/makefiles/platform/Darwin-arm64 and forgot to symlink /var/theos/makefiles/targets/Darwin-arm to /var/theos/makefiles/targets/Darwin-arm64.

    ln -s /var/theos/makefiles/targets/Darwin-arm /var/theos/makefiles/targets/Darwin-arm64 ln -s /var/theos/makefiles/platform/Darwin-arm /var/theos/makefiles/platform/Darwin-arm64

    Your paths may be different.