I have a CourseOffering domain class which has a property of type Term, which is another domain class.
class CourseOffering {
static fetchMode = [term: 'eager']
String title
String key
Term term
class Term {
String description
String identifier
String isCurrent
Date midterm
I have a page to create a new CourseOffering, here is the gsp for that page. Edit: forgot to mention that the variable 'terms' that I am using here is simply a passed in value of Term.list()
<g:form name="myForm">
<div class="input">
Course Title <input type="text" name="title">
Course Key <input type="text" name="key">
Term <select name="term">
<g:each var="term" in="${terms}">
<option value="${term.id}" <g:if test="${term.isCurrent == 'Y'}">selected</g:if>>${term.description}</option>
<g:actionSubmit action="save" value="Create" />
Here is the save method in the CourseOfferingController
def save() {
CourseOffering newCourse = new CourseOffering(params)
Term term = Term.get(params.term)
newCourse.term = term
assert(newCourse.term instanceof Term) // I put this here to make sure it was a Term!
if (newCourse.save(failOnError: true)) {
flash.message = [type: 'status', text: "Succesfully added ${newCourse.title} to the list of course offerings."]
else {
flash.message = [type: 'errors', text:"Unable to add course to the list of course offerings."]
redirect(action: 'index')
Aaaannnddddd this is what happens when I try to save the newly created CourseOffering
URI: /office/courseOffering/index Class: grails.validation.ValidationException Message: Validation Error(s) occurred during save(): - Field error in object 'mcidc.CourseOffering' on field 'term': rejected value [mcidc.Term : 9618]; codes [typeMismatch.mcidc.CourseOffering.term,typeMismatch.term,typeMismatch.mcidc.Term,typeMismatch]; arguments [org.springframework.context.support.DefaultMessageSourceResolvable: codes [mcidc.CourseOffering.term,term]; arguments []; default message [term]]; default message [Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'mcidc.Term' for property 'term'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [mcidc.Term] for property 'term': no matching editors or conversion strategy found
Around line 73 of grails-app\controllers\mcidc\CourseOfferingController.groovy 70: newCourse.term = term 71: assert(newCourse.term instanceof Term) 72:
73: if (newCourse.save(failOnError: true)) { 74: flash.message = [type: 'status', text: "Succesfully added ${newCourse.title} to the list of course offerings."] 75: } 76: else {
What's going on here? I proved that newCourse.term is of type Term with my assert statement, so why is it saying that it's a String? I'm so confused.
Sorry for the horrible formatting of that stacktrace but I really battled with the formatting on here and I couldn't figure out how to make it look nice. I tried to just post a picture of it, but I don't have 10 reputation. The exception is happening on newCourse.save(failOnError: true)
The issue is with this line:
CourseOffering newCourse = new CourseOffering(params)
Because you created the newCourse by passing in the params, you are binding the param 'term' which has no means to convert convert one from a string.
Renaming the term
param to termId
and this will move you forward.
GSP View:
Term <select name="termId">
<g:each var="term" in="${terms}">
<option value="${term.id}" <g:if test="${term.isCurrent == 'Y'}">selected</g:if>>${term.description}</option>
def save() {
CourseOffering newCourse = new CourseOffering(params)
Term term = Term.get(params.termId)