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NSMutableSet with custom isEqual: and hash callbacks

I am trying to create a custom NSMutableSet that doesn't use the standard isEqual: and hash selectors on objects.

Typically I want to use this with Parse. I have a NSMutableSet containing PFObject subclass instances, and I consider them equal if they have the same objectId. I know I could override isEqual: and hash in my PFObject subclass, but I don't want that functionality on all my objects. Besides, Parse uses these methods internally, so I don't want to mess up with them.

Here is what I have come up so far :

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSMutableSet (Additions)

+ (NSMutableSet *)setWithParseObjectIdIsEqualCallback;



#import "NSMutableSet+Additions.h"

@implementation NSMutableSet (Additions)

static Boolean ParseObjectIdIsEqualCallback(const void *value1, const void *value2)
    PFObject *obj1 = (__bridge id)value1;
    PFObject *obj2 = (__bridge id)value2;
    NSCParameterAssert([obj1 isKindOfClass:PFObject.class]);
    NSCParameterAssert([obj2 isKindOfClass:PFObject.class]);
    NSCParameterAssert([obj1 isMemberOfClass:obj2.class]);

    return [obj1.objectId isEqualToString:obj2.objectId];

static CFHashCode ParseObjectIdHashCallback(const void *value)
    PFObject *object = (__bridge id)value;
    NSCParameterAssert([object isKindOfClass:PFObject.class]);

    return object.objectId.hash;

+ (NSMutableSet *)setWithParseObjectIdIsEqualCallback
    CFSetCallBacks callbacks = kCFTypeSetCallBacks;
    callbacks.equal = ParseObjectIdIsEqualCallback;
    callbacks.hash  = ParseObjectIdHashCallback;
    CFMutableSetRef set = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &callbacks);
    return CFBridgingRelease(set);


I don't really know if it will work or if it is safe to use, and I'm quite unfamiliar with Core Foundation objects and functions like CFBridgingRelease().


  • I think your approach is needlessly complicated: you could provide your own isEqual: and hash implementations in a wrapper class, and wrap your PFObjects in it before placing in the NSMutableSet:

    @interface PFObjectWrap {
        PFObject *_obj;
    @implementation PFObjectWrap
    -(id)initWithPFObject:(PFObject*)obj {
        if (self = [super init]) {
            _obj = obj;
        return self;
    +(PFObjectWrap)wrap:(PFObject*)obj {
        return [[PFObjectWrap alloc] initWithPFObject:obj];
    +(PFObject*)wrapped {
        return _obj;
    -(BOOL)isEqual:(id)other {
       // Put your custom implementation here
    -(NSUInteger)hash {
       // Put your custom implementation here

    Now you can wrap your objects into PFObjectWrap before adding to NSMutableSet:

    NSMutableSet *set = [NSMutableSet set];
    [set addObject:[PFObjectWrap wrap:myObject1]];
    [set addObject:[PFObjectWrap wrap:myObject2]];

    Of course you also need to wrap before searching NSMutableSet.