I tried without any success to find the generic type of an Iterable
class (such as Set<myGenericType>
or List<myOtherGenericType>
For instance :
if instanceMirror.getField(myField).reflectee
is a Set<Toto>
then I have no solution to retrieve the type Toto
via introspection.
Thank you for your help !
import 'dart:mirrors';
class A<T> {
T item;
List<T> items;
main() {
var m = reflectType(new A<int>().runtimeType);
var itemType = m.declarations[#item].type as TypeMirror;
print('type of #item: ${itemType.qualifiedName}'); // type of #item: ClassMirror on 'int'.
var itemsType = m.declarations[#items].type as ClassMirror;
print('type of #items: ${itemsType.qualifiedName}'); // type of #items: ClassMirror on 'List'.
print('type arguments of #items: ${itemsType.typeArguments.map((t) => t.qualifiedName)}'); // type arguments of #items: [TypeVariableMirror on 'T'].