When using VsVim, the key combination CtrlF is accupied by VsVim itself and if you know vim
it basically scrolls you forward in your text for approximately one page.
So I started to wonder if there is any feature in VsVim which can replace the traditional Quick Find in Visual Studio
. If I want to search for a key-phrase using / then I only get the finds in the current file and missing the good ol Quick Find functionality which you could set Current Project or the Entire Solution to find the matches of what you have searched in the files that you haven't even opened already but may contain the word you're looking for.
Any suggestion? Appreciate it.
VsVim gives you control over what it handles and what you let VsVim handle. I suggest you simply tell VsVim not to handle CTRL-F and use the Visual Studio behavior. This can be changed in Tools -> Options -> VsVim -> Keyboard
. If you still need the Vim behavior of CTRL-F, you can use PageDown, or you can use CTRL-D to scroll down about a half-page.