I need to set the linker alignment for a whole project in TI Code Composer Studio 5.5 (TI ARM compiler 5.1.1).
This is my linker .cmd file:
BOOTROM: o = 0x40020000 l = 0x0000C000 /* 48kB public boot ROM */
SRAM: o = 0x402F0400 l = 0x0000FC00 /* 64kB internal SRAM */
L3OCMC0: o = 0x40300000 l = 0x00010000 /* 64kB L3 OCMC SRAM */
M3SHUMEM: o = 0x44D00000 l = 0x00004000 /* 16kB M3 Shared Unified Code Space */
M3SHDMEM: o = 0x44D80000 l = 0x00002000 /* 8kB M3 Shared Data Memory */
DDR0: o = 0x80000000 l = 0x10000000 /* 256MB external DDR Bank 0 */
.align 8
.text > DDR0
.stack > DDR0
.bss > DDR0
.cio > DDR0
.const > DDR0
.data > DDR0
.switch > DDR0
.sysmem > DDR0
.far > DDR0
.args > DDR0
.ppinfo > DDR0
.ppdata > DDR0
/* TI-ABI or COFF sections */
.pinit > DDR0
.cinit > DDR0
/* EABI sections */
.binit > DDR0
.init_array > DDR0
.neardata > DDR0
.fardata > DDR0
.rodata > DDR0
.c6xabi.exidx > DDR0
.c6xabi.extab > DDR0
The .align 8
did not do the job. In my resulting map file, I can see lots of symbols with addresses ending on 4 or C. If all the symbols were aligned to multiples of 8, I should get addresses that only end on 0 or 8.
What is the correct command to set the linker alignment to 64 bit?
Problem solved, courtesy of Mr George Mock, TI.
He wrote the following example on e2e.ti.com:
.text > DDR0 ALIGN(8)
.stack > DDR0
/* ... and so on */