Does anyone know how to cancel a running transfer, using UCMA 4??
In my app, I'm having a call from UserA to my UCMA app, that I start to transfer to another caller (UserB), by initiating a self-trasnfer with a B2BUA.
I'm running a timewheel (UCMA timer functionality), that should cancel the transfer when expires, but leave the established call (between USerA and the app) and let that stay established.
The transfer that I want to cancel is initiated by
AudioVideoCall call = new AudioVideoCall(_conversation);
call.BeginTransfer(call, TransferCompletedCB, call);
EDIT 22-09-14 13:29: If I terminate Call2 of my B2BUA, then the idle call will be terminated correctly. But, my established call will enter 'Terminating...' state too. How can I prevent that my original call, that has been placed in B2BUA as call leg 1, is terminating??
It turns out that you can actually cancel the call by using .BeginTerminate of your 2nd call leg of the B2BUA. I even implemented a timer that can cancel the transfer if call not answered within the timer.